Empowering Employment

| Community Impact

Organizations like Goodwill Central Texas help our neighbors achieve vital financial health and employment goals. Goodwill knows that success requires reliable employment, a stable income at a living wage, and access to many other resources that lead to self-sufficiency.

Like UFCU, Goodwill Central Texas believes that education and work create opportunities for success.

Goodwill employees work hard to help our Central Texas community thrive, so we were delighted in 2020 to support them in everything from Zoom financial education classes to additional support for getting started with checking and savings accounts and direct deposit.

Like UFCU, Goodwill Central Texas believes that education and work create opportunities for success. For six decades, they have relentlessly focused on transforming lives by empowering people through education, career training, and work. In 2019 alone, Goodwill Central Texas helped 169 adults achieve high school graduation and placed 3,226 individuals in area jobs with 775 different employers. UFCU stands with Goodwill and supports the journey of every individual looking to empower themselves with wise stewardship of their financial resources.