Cybersecurity belongs to everyone at UFCU. To keep all Member data secure, our network is protected with best-in-class tools, standards, and protocols, and many other safe practices as part of employee organizational training and awareness.
As a UFCU Member, you too are part of our chain of security. You can practice some fundamental online security tactics to help protect yourself against threats online. Don’t be the weakest link. Follow these recommendations to do your part in taking responsibility for the protection of your personal identity, property, and information.
- Update your operating systems and apps when updates are made available — More often than not, updates contain additional security features. If you’re postponing those updates, you’re potentially leaving yourself open to hackers and fraudsters. If you’re using a device or operating system that’s no longer supported by the maker, the means to hack your device could be a Google search away.
- Don’t log in to public WiFi networks from any of your devices — Public networks can provide hackers with access to your activity. Your device has settings that can trigger an alert when it finds a WiFi network. Do you want to connect to this network? Answer no unless you know the network is secure. Remember even your favorite cafe, public library, or other spot may not be on a secure network.
- Be skeptical of online relationships — Healthy skepticism can keep you safe. Don’t agree to make transfers through your credit union accounts for individuals you don’t know personally, and certainly not for someone you meet online. You could be left holding the liability for lots of money. Never disclose your account information, card numbers, password practices, or personal data that a hacker could use to violate your accounts. And never loan or give money via unsecured sites. It may sound cynical, but it’s in your best interest. Every day at UFCU, our Asset Protection team works to help Members who have been scammed via an online relationship.
- Don’t click on suspicious email links — UFCU will never send you any message that provides a link to your account or requests your card number, user name, or password. Your best practice is to always type in our URL address (UFCU.org) directly into your web browser. An email link sent to you from an unknown source can contain malware designed to steal your information, including login credentials to your accounts. Still have friends who broadcast emails to everyone they know with jokes or pictures they happen across? Your best response is to delete these emails without opening them. No chuckle is worth infecting your devices with malware, viruses, or Trojan horses.
- Always use a secure connection — Use the UFCU Mobile Banking app or UFCU Online Banking via a secure connection to regularly check your account activity. Make sure all posted transactions are indeed yours. And if they aren’t, contact Member Services immediately. Rest assured that your debit and credit card transactions are regularly monitored for fraudulent activity. If a UFCU representative calls you to alert you to a potential risk, please take the call or call back as soon as possible. If you notice a potentially fraudulent transaction on your account outside of regular business hours, you can call (800) 369-4887 and get immediate assistance. And if you lose your UFCU debit card after hours or over the weekend, you can disable that card using the CardKeeper™ feature of your Mobile Banking app.
- Beware of fraudsters asking for money — There are many scams out there designed to trick you into transferring funds out of your account. For example, some fraudsters will post a job listing requiring you to use your personal account to transfer money. A credible employer will never ask you to send them money. Any such job listing is most likely not a real job. They might offer to send you money, instruct you to keep some, and then ask you to send the rest to a far off account. Do not be fooled. After you transfer the funds, their original check or transfer into your account would most likely be returned with reasons of nonsufficient funds, account closed, or unknown account. And the unfortunate victim is often held responsible for the deficit. All of those arrangements end up badly, and a victim of fraud is never the winner. Never send funds to anyone you don’t know personally. You can always call Member Services if you’re in doubt. We’re happy to help.
The Department of Homeland Security is an excellent resource for cybersecurity information and best practices. There are toolkits to help you talk to your children about their safety online. Brian Kreb’s blog is a bit more technical, but he does a pretty good job of explaining the hard stuff. The National Cyber Security Alliance also contains good resources including tips for business owners. The UFCU Asset Protection Team and Information Security Officer are always ready to help Members with answers and solutions.
We’re all important links in the chain of information security. If you have questions or concerns about cybersecurity, we’re happy to talk to you anytime.