Big Savings and Great Service

Lameka M was very excited to have directly benefitted from the Wheels 101 seminar. She saved $12,000 when she bought her new car and got an unbeatable interest rate. For her, it was an amazing experience.

Lameka M was very excited to have directly benefitted from the Wheels 101 seminar. She saved $12,000 when she bought her new car and got an unbeatable interest rate. For her, it was an amazing experience.

Lameka M“I heard about UFCU when I began working in Human Resources at the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) in Galveston. During the new hire orientation, we met with many vendors regarding benefits, as well as financial institutions regarding our financial needs. The representatives from UFCU were very knowledgeable and caring, and helped me open checking and savings accounts, as well as get my 10- and 14-year-old sons started with savings.

Now, my department invites UFCU to UTMB benefit fairs, where they help others open accounts and give educational seminars. I personally benefitted from the Wheels 101 seminar by doing exactly what UFCU told me to do, step by step. I got my new car for $12,000 less than the sticker price, with an unbeatable interest rate on my UFCU auto loan. The experience was just amazing.

I use Online Banking and Mobile Banking for everything, and paying bills is very easy. But what I like most about being a Member is the friendly atmosphere and sincere care that every representative gives me when I call them on the phone or meet them face to face. I don’t even know where to begin, but my representative, Rosalinda, is a godsend. She is always there when I have questions or concerns, and she and Jill have done a phenomenal job providing service to me and the employees here at our UTMB Galveston campus. They are a great team.”

Member Lameka M
Member Since 2012
Services Checking, Savings, Credit Card Auto Loan