When the call of adventure beckons, having your own car means that you can pick up your keys and take off. However, at this time of year in Central Texas, hot days can slow you down. Don’t let high temperatures get the best of you and your car. Outsmart the sun with our five coolest ways to avoid the heat!
1. Avoid Rush Hour

Sitting in the direct sun during rush hour can leave even the coolest heads bothered, and it can be especially tough on cars. Running the air conditioner, particularly at high levels, reduces your car’s fuel efficiency, leaving your drive sluggish. Opt to telework if possible, and delight your coworkers with your video meeting skills. If you can’t skip the commute, remember to bring along sunscreen and water to get you through the crawl.
2. Be a Tree Hugger

Cars parked in direct sun take several minutes to cool down, often with you sweltering inside. Avoid the meltdown by finding parking spots underneath consistent shade — even if it means a short stroll. Future-you will be eternally grateful! And for those time all the shady spots are taken, have a foldable sun shield in your car to help keep the sun out.
3. Find Creative Ways to Cool Down

When things are especially hot during our infamous summer days and nights, drive yourself to the places known for keeping things chill. Head for a stroll in a safe, shaded area, or roll into a nearby drive-in movie center for a trip down memory lane and a chance to enjoy your favorite flick in the comfort of your car.
4. Equip Your Car for Coolness

Prep yourself for every sunny ride with the essentials that keep you and your car ready for hot drives. First things first: make sure your car is good to go on tire pressure, oil levels, and A/C fluid. In addition to your sunscreen and water, make sure you’ve got sunglasses for comfort and visibility, and pack an umbrella for any long walks from your car to your sunny destinations.
5. Let the Heat Out

While it’s not practical to leave windows completely down when you’re parked, leaving them slightly cracked helps dramatically with ventilation. When you return to your car, open up a car door or two to let the heat escape before driving. Your A/C won’t need to work as hard if the car starts out with some breathing room.
Remember not to leave anyone or anything valuable in your car during the summer, because the heat of a car is destructive, even after just a few minutes. If you’re ready for a new car to help you safely get around year-round, apply for your auto loan today at UFCU.org/myauto. We’ll help you stay cool, calm, and collected.