As a UFCU Member, you have free access to hundreds of ATMs across Central Texas and Galveston County. And if you’re in the Austin area, you can take advantage of the Austin area ATM Alliance, which offers fee-free ATM access at more than 500 additional locations. Check out all our options for fee-free ATMs.
Regardless of the ATM location you choose, we are committed to providing the safest possible environment for our Members. Here are a few steps that can help keep you safer when using an ATM.
Be Prepared
Plan ahead so you aren’t fumbling with your purse or wallet when you get to the ATM. Have your ATM card out and ready to insert into the ATM. Be sure you know your PIN and be ready to enter it. Think in advance about the amount of cash you need, and in what denominations.
Once you receive your money, put it and your ATM card away quickly. Count your money later.
If depositing a check, endorse it before getting to the ATM. There are no deposit slips to fill out, so just have your ATM card and endorsed check handy.
Be Aware
Pay attention to your surroundings, and be aware of other people near you or the ATM. If you’re making an ATM transaction after dark, consider having someone come with you and opt for a drive-through ATM, if possible. While at the drive-through, keep your car doors locked and passenger windows up, and perform all transactions quickly.
If you are using a walk-up ATM, park in a well-lighted area near the ATM and lock your car when you leave it. Before exiting your car, take a visual inventory of your surroundings. If you notice anything suspicious, stay in your car and drive away. If you become concerned about your safety while using the ATM, cancel your transaction, take your card, and leave the ATM.
Report suspicious activity and crimes immediately to the police and the credit union. If you’re followed after a transaction, go to the nearest public area and call the police.
Be Diligent
Protecting your personal identity is an on-going job. Don’t make it easy for identity thieves to steal your information. That begins with protecting your PIN. Commit it to memory, and never write your PIN on your card or share it with others.
Keep your ATM card in a secure place as well; if it is lost or stolen, report it immediately.