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We’ve all heard the term sellers’ market, but what is it? Take advantage of our top 10 list of tips to help you buy a home, in spite of a market that isn’t leaning your way.
We’ve all heard the term sellers’ market, but what is it? It essentially describes any economic scenario in which sellers have an advantage because what they are selling is scarce, so prices remain high. This is currently the state of the housing market in much of Central Texas. But most potential buyers don’t have the option of simply waiting for the ideal time to buy. If you’re in the market to buy a home, take advantage of our top 10 list of tips to help you buy a home, in spite of a market that isn’t leaning your way.
Find the Right LenderAll sellers want to close on time, collect their proceeds, and move on to their next home. The right lender will guarantee that closing date, and put money behind their guarantee.
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