Barry H has been a UFCU Member for more than 30 years, and he doesn’t plan on changing. Now retired from the University of Texas at Austin™, Barry enjoys photography and the ease of retirement.
“I love UFCU. If I ever win the lottery, my millions will go into UFCU. It’s been easy to be a Member for all these years. And I love having so many locations all over town.
I started to work at the University of Texas in 1985 and needed a checking account. A coworker suggested UFCU, and I liked the idea of a Member-owned credit union. I was able to immediately obtain a loan to cover some of the unexpected expenses of starting a new job.
I worked at UT for 24 years and got to know many people across the campus. Getting to know so many nice people was the best part of my job! Since I retired, I have maintained those friendships. And over the years, I’ve run into many friends in the lobbies of different UFCU locations across Austin. That’s an added bonus of banking at UFCU.
The UFCU staff has always been helpful. Before I traveled to Europe, I stopped by the UFCU Ben White location. I like the modern environment at Ben White! I told them where I was traveling to avoid any potential problems using my UFCU card on the other side of the world. It worked! I was able to spend money all over Germany without any problems. Thanks in part to UFCU, it has been easy to enjoy my retirement.”
Name Barry H
Member Since 1985
Services Checking, Savings, Personal Loan
Representative Sonia L